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In today’s digital age, where technology drives the core of business operations, cyber security has become a paramount concern for organisations of all sizes. With cyber threats evolving at an alarming rate, it’s imperative that business leaders are proactive in safeguarding their digital landscape.

Against this background, we have put together five cyber security questions you should be asking your technology leaders to enhance your organisation’s resilience against cyber threats:

1. Are we addressing the human-related cyber security risks?

Human error is one of the most critical factors in cyber security breaches, often overshadowing technological vulnerabilities. With this in mind, organisations must implement comprehensive strategies to mitigate the associated risks. Investing in employee training programs that emphasise cyber security best practices and protocols is essential. Additionally, establishing clear policies and procedures can guide employees in recognising and responding to potential threats effectively.

Activities such as simulated phishing exercises and regular security awareness campaigns can further reinforce the importance of understanding, vigilance, and accountability across all levels of the organisation. By fostering a culture of cyber security awareness, businesses can empower their workforce to become the first line of defence against cyber threats.

2. Do we have a second set of eyes watching over our systems?

The realisation that even the most vigilant team can overlook vulnerabilities within your systems should prompt a proactive stance towards cyber security. Engaging with a trusted technology provider can offer the invaluable perspective of an external expert, bringing fresh insights and uncovering blind spots that may have eluded internal scrutiny.

Regular security audits and assessments can help you stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure the resilience of your defences against potential cyber-attacks. Embracing this collaborative approach to cyber security not only enhances your organisation’s ability to detect and mitigate risks but also instils confidence among stakeholders in your commitment to safeguarding critical assets and maintaining operational continuity.

3. Have we explored the finer details of our technology landscape?

Understanding the intricacies of your organisation’s technology landscape is paramount in fortifying your cyber security defences. Within this landscape lie subtle nuances that can serve as either vulnerabilities or strengths. For instance, systems lacking essential security features such as multi-factor authentication or comprehensive activity history logging could pose a risk.

By conducting thorough assessments of your technology infrastructure specifically in relation to your security posture, you can limit these risks and enhance your overall system security. This approach empowers you to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain a full-picture view of potential dangers. Underestimating the importance of scrutinising these finer details could become your defence’s biggest weakness.

4. Do we have an incident response plan and procedure in place?

The importance of having a well-defined incident response plan (IRP) cannot be overstated. Without a comprehensive plan and procedure in place, the chaos and uncertainty following an attack could have devastating consequences for your organisation – including financial, data, or reputational loss.

Developing and regularly testing an IRP can help to swiftly detect, contain, and soften security breaches. This approach ensures that any incident is isolated, preventing it from spreading and causing further damage, as well as minimising downtime. Deploying a designated incident response team (IRT) either internally or via an external provider, to establish and carry out your IRP is a fundamental requirement for safeguarding your business.

5. Are we effectively securing remote working environments?

The COVID-19 global pandemic accelerated the shift to remote and flexible working. With this shift comes a host of cyber security challenges that organisations across the world now face. Achieving a secure remote working environment can be a daunting task, with security solutions needed to cover internet access, data, communication tools, collaboration tools, and a wide variety of work applications. However, with effective planning and protection, employees can benefit from remote working while keeping your organisation’s digital assets safe.

A great place to start is by implementing robust remote access solutions that incorporate multi-factor authentication and encryption protocols to safeguard against unauthorised access. Additionally, it’s crucial to regularly assess and update remote work security policies to adapt to evolving threats and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. Deploying endpoint security solutions is also essential to monitor and protect remote devices from malware and other cyber threats.

Next Steps…

Don’t leave your organisation’s cyber security to chance. Schedule a free cyber security consultation with an Afinite technology expert today. We’ll assess your current security setup, identify vulnerabilities, and offer tailored recommendations to enhance your defences.

Book your free cyber security consultation:

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